Online Bhakti Shastri Course & Where to submit your story?
Dear Devotees
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Online Bhakti Shastri Course
Several devotees have asked me whether I plan to conduct an online Bhakti Shastri course. After consulting with and getting the blessings of senior devotees, I have decided to take up the service of conducting a series of online courses starting with Bhakti Shastri.
The Bhakti Shastri course will be conducted on behalf of BACE (Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education) and participants will get certificates from the ISKCON Board of Education.Β To know more about this course, you can visit and register at
Where to submit your story?
In response to the recent article “Share your story,” several devotees enquired where they can submit their “How I Came to Krishna consciousness” story. Β Thank you for your enthusiastic response.
Please send your story to H G Vaishnava Seva Prabhu, the person behind the iskcondesirtree network of sites, at
Thanking you,
Your servant
Chaitanya Charan das