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Shikshashtakam – 12-part series at Alachua

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA

Shikshashtakam 1 Overview and flow of the ashtakam
Shikshashtakam 2 Text 1 The mind as a window, a TV screen and a mirror
Shikshashtakam 3 Text 1 The flower metaphor for the blossoming of consciousness
Shikshashtakam 4 Text 1 From the partial nectar to the complete nectar
Shikshashtakam 5 Text 2 The mysterious non-difference of Krishna and his holy name
Shikshashtakam 6 Text 3 Humility means to not let our ego interfere with our purpose
Shikshashtakam 7 Text 3 Tolerance means to call off our war with reality
Shikshashtakam 8 Text 4 Let your bhakti be Krishna-centered, not renunciation-centered
Shikshashtakam 9 Text 5 The subtle interplay of endeavor and grace in bhakti
Shikshashtakam 10 Text 6 Curb sentimentality but cherish sentiments
Shikshashtakam 11 Text 7 Treasure devotional memories to propel your devotion
Shikshashtakam 12 Text 8 Radharani manifests the highest summit of love

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