Wasn’t Arjuna passionate about archery – can we be passionate about something and still be devotional?
Managing the mind 1 – The many meanings of the word ‘mind’ and their correlation with the Gita’s understanding
Duryodhana felt no moral compunction while persecuting the Pandavas, but Dhirtrashtra did – why the difference?
The soul has knowledge that is presently covered – does this mean the soul knows exact scriptural verses?
Gita Jayanti talk – Appreciating the Gita’s message by contemplating the starting and ending names of Arjuna and Krishna
When the mind becomes a mirror for the pure soul, does the soul perceive itself through the mind or without it too?
If our family attachments impede our spiritual advancement how can we be detached and still be responsible?
How does understanding Krishna’s greatness and sweetness bring submission and affection respectively?
When we practice bhakti culture in our temples or youth centers are we not practicing spiritual bhakti?
Akrura Katha 3 – Understanding cultural bhakti philosophical bhakti spiritual bhakti and Vraja bhakti
In our offices how can we be socially involved in contemporary discussions without getting spiritually distracted?
Does humility mean feeling that we are fallen or does it mean not letting our ego come int the way of our service?
Why does the Gita in chapter sixteen describe divine qualities in three full verses and demoniac qualities in just one verse?
How is simplicity as an austerity of the body in Gita 17.14 different from simplicity as an austerity of the mind in Gita 17.16?
Morality may be relativized but the consequences of immoral indulgence can’t be relativized Gita 03.17