How should we approach texts like Gopal Champu and Anand Vrindavan Champu – are authentic translations available?
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 60 – 10.11.10-18 By giving to Krishna, even if we appear to be losers, we are still gainers
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 58 – 10.10.28-35 Though God has a body, he is not limited by or to his body
How do we realize that Krishna consciousness is like 5 million dollars and worldly things are like 5 dollars
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 56 – 10.10.15-22 Narada curses to cure the cause of the misbehavior, not just to punish the misbehavior
Centering our life on Krishna – not on the intellectual, the psychological, the social or the cultural
Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritrashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
What is wrong with ancestors falling from higher planets to earth, as only from earth they can be liberated?
If after some wrongdoing, we feel guilty and don’t feel like coming close to Krishna, what can we do?
Bhagavatam study 70 1.13.51-60 Determination directed towards renunciation brings spiritual elevation
When we ask Krishna to protect us are we treating him as our servant and are we advanced enough for him to intervene?
Appreciating Srila Prabhupada’s presentation of devotion and of Ratha Yatra as a global festival of devotion
If someone chants a lot of rounds but doesn’t behave properly with their spouse how do we understand?
From love universal to bhakti confidential – Gaudiya Vaishnavism glories 1 – Understanding how love culminates in bhakti
Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupada: Appreciating the empowering breadth of your trust in Krishna
How does understanding Krishna’s greatness and sweetness bring submission and affection respectively?
Is being emotionally invested in Krishna different from being emotionally invested in services to Krishna?
If someone follows a spiritual path without much knowledge of Krishna how will they advance spiritually?
If dedicated senior devotees face great distress new devotees ask what is the point of practicing bhakti – how to answer?