I was born in another Vaishnava tradition, but I find Krishna consciousness more logical; if I take to Krishna consciousness ,am I being unfaithful to my birth tradition?
As we can’t know for sure what are principles and what details, why not just follow the tradition as it is, without even attempting to change anything?
Gita key verses course 25 Does God hear our prayers – When our prayers aren’t answered, what can we do – Gita 7.19
During distress if someone turns away from Krishna and becomes an atheist, what is the role of God’s will in their misuse of free will?
If we get different instructions from different authorities, which include our spiritual master, what should we do?
When we start studying Bhagavad-gita what is the motivation for continuing to study material science?
When we ask Krishna to protect us are we treating him as our servant and are we advanced enough for him to intervene?
If connection with Krishna makes the inauspicious auspicious then if a devotee gets caught in sinful activities is that also good?