Why does Prabupada give devotional explanations for Bhagavad Gita sections that are not exactly devotional?
Gita key verses course 44 – Isn’t spirituality a matter of the heart – Why so many rules – Gita 16.24
Don’t let Prabhupada’s difficult statements become difficulties – The Monk’s Podcast 103 with Yogeshvara Prabhu
Gita 01.46 The significance of our actions depends not just on the actions but also on the situations in which we do those actions
Gita 01.39 Our sense of honor coming from our lineage can raise us but can also stop us from rising to the highest
Gita 01.36 The ethical tension between kula-dharma and kshatriya-dharma leads to emotional over-reaction and physical inaction
Gita 01.34 To retaliate and cause death requires courage, but to not retaliate at the cost of one’s own death requires greater courage
Gita 01.30 When we face challenges bigger than ourselves, we look for omens to sense the intentions of forces bigger than ourselves
Gita 01.29 Know which emotion is mental and which spiritual not just by content, but also by context and consequence
Gita 01.26 When we can’t fight the circumstances that make us fight against our loved ones, we have to fight against our loved ones
Gita 01.17 Don’t let minor grammatical disputes overshadow major narrational and philosophical thrust
Gita 01.16 Yudhishthira doesn’t come first in the list of warriors but is still their undisputed leader