Understanding the unborn’s understandings 1 – How can the embryo with ana undeveloped brain speak prayers?
If we resolve to wake up at a particular time and wake up at that time without an alarm, is that due to our subconscious mind?
Gita 01.30 When we face challenges bigger than ourselves, we look for omens to sense the intentions of forces bigger than ourselves
Gita 18.03 Gita 18.03 Appreciate others thoughtfulness even if it doesn’t lead to the best conclusion
How small conflicts become big – Daksha pastime analysis 4 – How impulses are shaped by technology, mentality and spirituality
By contemplating the consequences of sensuality, if we practice bhakti, is that bhakti at the level of fear?
How small conflicts become big – Daksha pastime analysis 3 – Understanding the filters people bring to a relationship
Is there a fine line between when matter takes us towards Krishna and when it takes us away from Krishna?
If when our mind tells a story and we consult a friend whose mind is telling the same story how can we avoid illusion?