Bhagavatam tenth canto study 79 – 10.14.7-12 – Practicing devotion gratefully while accepting responsibility for our difficulties opens the door to liberation
Just as our strengths are manifestations for a higher being, are our weaknesses manifestations of some being?
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 59 – 10.10.36-43 The Lord grants not just physical mobility but also spiritual mobility
Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritrashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
Shouldn’t the desire for sense gratification go down in those who are advancing in Krishna consciousness?
Why did Vidura not instruct Dhritarashtra to apologize to the Pandavas and to thereby become offense-free for practicing bhakti?
While struggling with conditionings how can we avoid the extremes of becoming hopeless and becoming shameless?
Gita 01.39 Our sense of honor coming from our lineage can raise us but can also stop us from rising to the highest
Can saying that Krishna sees inside-out lead to devotees refusing to be accountable to other devotees?
If after some wrongdoing, we feel guilty and don’t feel like coming close to Krishna, what can we do?
Is remembering Krishna the highest service and all other services are for those who can’t remember him constantly?
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 54 – 10.10.1-9 The curse that takes us away from the things that take us away from Krishna is mercy
Understanding rasa-lila 3 – Arrogance keeps us locked in ourselves, both apara-dharma and para-dharma get us out of ourselves
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 42 – 10.8.1-6 The saintly come to the worldly to expand the consciousness of the wordly
How the pre-modern, modern and post-modern ages respectively stressed the spiritual, physical and mental