Gita 16.21 The metaphorical usage stresses the reality and gravity of the demoniac forces of lust anger and greed
If everything is under karma are terrorists wrongdoers or simply instruments for punishing wrongdoers?
Ambition, Satisfaction & Devotion 2 – Hospital metaphor for harmonizing material and spiritual growth
If we can do a service well and see others doing that service poorly, should we stay uninvolved to avoid becoming proud or critical?
Bhagavatam study 69 1.13.46-50 When we can’t protect ourselves from kala, karma and guna, how can we protect others?
How spiritual life relates to our material Life 2 – Work not for or against your nature, work with your nature for Krishna
From Damodara month to Damodar mood – From circumstantial devotion to transcendental devotion through intentional devotion
When we have to work so many hours in nondevotional jobs for our financial needs, how can we grow devotionally?
Just as Nalakuvera-Manigriva were given remembrance their past lives, why can’t we be given remembrance of our past lives?
Our survival instinct tells us to avoid pain, whereas austerity means to accept pain – how to decide what to do?
Should we be simply attached to the principle of service or to specific services according to our nature?
When we start studying Bhagavad-gita what is the motivation for continuing to study material science?
Why can’t all realized souls join hands to demonstrate a working model of harmonious spiritual living?