Why does Krishna talk about controlling the senses to Arjuna when the purpose of the conversation seems to be to incite Arjuna to fight?
If we get different instructions from different authorities, which include our spiritual master, what should we do?
Bhagavad-gita chapter 2 overview – How to decide the right thing to do and stay undisturbed while doing it
The painkiller of entertainment is easily available, but does the cure of enlightenment needs to be given by someone enlightened
How can motivate us to move on in our spiritual life – can the saints’ realizations inspire – don’t we need our own experiences?
Gita 01.26 When we can’t fight the circumstances that make us fight against our loved ones, we have to fight against our loved ones
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 31 – 10.6.1-6 Sukadeva G reveals the spoiler to relieve Parikshit M anxiety
When people are so confused that they can’t discern their own material inclinations, how can we engage them in bhakti?
God as the supreme therapist 6 – Seek not the facility to do whatever we desire – seek the clarity to discern our deepest desire
QA on dealing with material desires, excessive workload, inattentiveness in chanting and other bhakti principles
If a devotee familiar to us starts blaspheming our spiritual master how should we deal with that devotee?
If the natures of a husband and a wife are not complementary but contradictory how can they function?
Spiritualizing our relationships 2 – To improve relationships decrease expectation and increase contribution
Pandavas tolerated initially and retaliated eventually – how can we decide when to tolerate and when to retaliate?
Are some people utterly incapable of understanding God’s form – are some religion’s revelations customized for such people?
If we feel more devotionally connected with Krishna while hearing than while taking darshan what should we do?
When there is disunity should we just surrender and wait for Krishna to restore unity or do something to restore unity?
If Prabhupada knew that certain projects weren’t going to succeed why did he encourage devotees to do those projects?