If we have performed shraddha on Ekadashi, will we therefore go to hell, ref Bhag 7.14.20-23. How to atone?
When other sampradayas quote certain verses from scripture to prove that their particular founder is also an incarnation of God – How do we respond to such scriptural references?
What is God’s role in our sufferings, in the light of the Bhagavatam 10.14.08 verse tat te ‘nukampam?
Finding guidance in Prabhupada’s books, The Monk’s Podcast 158 with Krishna Dharma P & Chintamani Dharma M
Churning the Bhagavatam – Dashavatara 10 – Kalki – The Monk’s Podcast 123 with Krishna Kshetra Maharaj
Balancing obedience to authority & independent thoughtfulness, The Monk’s Podcast 122 with Radheshyam Prabhu
Making bhakti spirituality relevant to today’s social concerns – The Monk’s Podcast 120 with Yogesvara Prabhu
Don’t let Prabhupada’s difficult statements become difficulties – The Monk’s Podcast 103 with Yogeshvara Prabhu
The Monk’s Podcast 83 with Shyamananda – Social Justice and Spiritual Wisdom 2 – Caste System Analyzed
Gita key verses course 17 Why are religious people so sectarian – Is it better to be spiritual but not religious – Gita 05.18
What would be the Gita’s stand in today’s political world wrt the Left and the Right in India or the liberals and the conservatives in America
Would a Prabhupada-bot, an artificial intelligence system that knows all of Prabhupada’s works, be equivalent to him or his books?
Ramayana series 3 – Shurapanakha’s manipulativeness – Exploiting others’ weaknesses doesn’t make us strong
Stop fighting battles that are already lost and start fighting the battle that is never lost – Vritrasura pastime analysis 3
Bhagavatam tenth canto study 55 -10.10.10-14 Narada curses not impulsively, but after deep reflection
Gita 18.50 The Gita’s purpose is not to describe spiritual paths but to analyze them for making an informed choice
Bhagavatam study 106 1.19.13-18 Our personal deliberation and our mentor consultation can be complementary, not contradictory
Bhagavatam study 71 – Departure of the order-sustaining Lord leads to disruption of that order
Gita 16.10 Taking shelter of lust amidst problems is like taking shelter of kidnappers when threatened by thieves
Emotionally intelligent spirituality 2 – Let immediate and ultimate solutions work cooperatively, not competitively
Bhagavatam study 66 01.13.24-29 Detachment emerges from education that changes our definition of success