Can you explain the concepts of anvaya and vyatireka practically and as explained in Bhagavatam 3.9.36?
Bhagavatam study 104 1.19.1-6 If sinful reaction rectifies sinful mentality, then the reaction is auspicious, not inauspicious
Bhagavatam study 95 1.17.37-42 Undestanding how restricting area of residence is a form of punishment
Bhagavatam study 94 1.17.31-36 Adharama-bandhu Kali can’t be allowed to live in the kingdom of Dharma-raja pautra
Bhagavatam study 93 1.17.24-30 Avoid both extremes of taking everything in scripture only literally or only metaphorically
Bhagavatam study 85 1.17.13-18 Parikshit M delighted in his spiritual opulence, not his material opulence