The abhidha and lakshana potencies of sound

By arrangement of sound is created a composition. The potency by which the meaning of sound is grasped is called the abhidha potency of the sound or the connotative power of the sound. By using the word “ten” with “elephants” we can understand a certain number of elephants. This direct meaning is called abhidheya. There is another potency of words called “laksana”. In the phrase “cowherds on the Ganga,” since cowherds cannot stand on the surface of the Ganga’s water, by the laksana sakti we understand that the cowherds are on the bank of the Ganga. Where it is necessary to use the laksana sakti, the abhidha sakti does not operate. Where the direct meaning can be used, only the abhidha sakti functions.

Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura

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