The following transcriptions have been uploaded.

Does ISKCON consider the English of the 1920s to be sacred?

What guided humanity before scripture was written?

Is the Mahabharata contaminated due to interpolation?

Is the expansion of the Mahabharata from its short Jaya version a contamination?

Why was Kunti’s unknowing statement ‘share whatever you have brought’ considered absolute and Draupadai married too all the Pandavas?

Why did Balaramji favour Duryodhana?

When different religious groups have their own scriptures how is the authority of Vaishnava scriptures to be established?

If the suffering of great devotees is for their glorification why does Bhishma say Pandavas’ suffering is due to time?

Why did Krishna and Arjuna meet each other first time so late in their lives?

Draupadi forgave Ashwatthama but not the Kauravas. Why?

In shabda pramana we receive knowledge from our senses (ears), so how is it superior to pratyaksha pramana?














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