The following transcriptions have been uploaded.

How have so many languages come up worldwide when developing a computer language requires so much effort?

Do we need to introspect whether we are progressing in our spiritual life?

How does Ishopanishad mantra 17 refute impersonalism?

When opulences are disqualifications for devotion, why does ISKCON preach to the opulent?

Why do we need to be in the mode of goodness to practice bhakti?

Why do we need to justify the Pandavas’ actions? Isn’t “Krishna told them to do it” enough reason?

If consciousness of the couple at conception determines the nature of the child, will a child born through rape be evil?

Why does Krishna emphasise consciousness at death which is much more uncontrollable than consciousness while living?

When Krishna had said he wouldn’t lift weapons in the Kurukshetra war, why does he say in Gita 11.33 that the Kauravas are already killed by him?

When can a devotee seek honor instead of being humble?

If we have canine teeth for eating meat, then doesn’t it go against the regulative principle of no meat-eating?

Is scriptural knowledge needed only when devotion is dilute and not when devotion is pure?

Where does Vishishtadvaita fall in the six systems of philosophy?

Is experience a pramana if one’s experience contradicts scripture?

Does Krishna control us through remembrance and forgetfulness just as computer controls through zeroes and ones?














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