The following transcriptions have been uploaded.

Why do we say that lust needs to be curbed when it can be channelized towards Krishna as Narottama Das Thakura says?

Is the Supersoul actually expanded in every heart or is it an appearance of expansion?

What happens to the Supersoul after death and after liberation?

Does Prabhupada’s instruction ‘do as I have done’ mean there’s no need to innovate in preaching”

When everything is in Prabhupada’s books, what is the need to read other books either by ISKCON devotees or previous acharyas?

Why did Yudhisthira agree for a second gambling match after the disastrous first gambling match?

Why did the virtuous Bhishma fight on the side of the vicious Kauravas?

Why did Krishna not protect Yudhisthira from errors of judgment?

Who was Yuyutsu? How did he come from the Kaurava side to the Pandava side?

Did Vikarna get any good result for trying to defend Draupadi’s honor?

Did Karna have to choose the side of evil due to his past karma?

What does the Gita’s inverted tree metaphor signify?

How is the world a lila of the Pursha avatara? Is it a virtual reality manufactured by him with chosable scripts for us?

In monozygotic twins where do the differences come from?

Is the universal form in the Gita’s ninth chapter a conceptualization and the eleventh chapter, a revelation?

Can God create a stone that he can’t lift?

To realize everything is illusion amidst adversities, is yoga and pranayama the way or is bhakti-yoga sufficient?

When the number of breaths of a soul in a body are fixed, how can a purpose-driven attitude increase longevity?

Why does Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati criticize organized churches when ISKCON is also an organised church?

As developing internal conviction takes time, isn’t it better to be stimulated in our devotion by external inspiration?














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