The following transcriptions have been uploaded.

Did past people believe in miracles like Govardhana lila because they were unscientific and gullible?

If Krishna is the cause of all causes, is he the cause of everything that we and others do?

When Ramanuja has refuted the design argument, why does Prabhupada use it so extensively?

Why has Ramanuja refuted the design argument in his Vedanta Sutra commentary?

How to control our jealousy and ego?

Isn’t doing our duties better than spending hours chanting?

Why are all forms of science not equally authoritative – why is evoluion less reliable than gravity when its all science?

When we don’t feel like asking for forgiveness what should we do?

Can devotees watch TV serials about Krishna’s pastimes?

What is the use of writing insubstantial articles in newspapers that don’t even mention the name of Krishna once?

How can we strengthen our resolve to correct our wrongs?

How can we forgive not just with lips but with the heart?



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