The following transcriptions have been uploaded.

If Durga is the superintendent of material nature how can Krishna alone grant liberation?

Is Durga devi a demigodess in the category of jiva tattva?

What is wrong with worship of devatas if one understands them to be devotees of Krishna?

Should the gold in temples be used for social development?

What is the difference between the Gita 9.34 and 18.65?

What does the identification of Krishna with time mean practically?

Isn’t it distasteful for brahmacharis to be watching and quoting movies when people come to them to hear about Krishna

Are chanting praying and meditation the same?

Why do some scriptures declare other gods to be Supreme?

How should we counter when a respected ex-SC judge says that scripture contains poetic exaggerations?

Is God hard of hearing that his devotees need to chant his names loudly?

If Krishna’s ultimate instruction is to give up all duties for surrendering to him why shouldn’t everyone join the temple?

To present KC from a contemporary intellectual perspective which all books of Prabhupada’s followers can I read?





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