The Lord’s partiality is his qualification, not disqualification

The Lord does not hanker for a small leaf or flower; He has enough to eat. Indeed, He is feeding all living entities. Nonetheless, because He is very merciful and is bhakta-vatsala, very favorable to the devotees, He certainly eats whatever they offer Him with love and devotion. This quality should not be misjudged to be childish. The highest quality of the Supreme Lord is that He is bhakta-vatsala; in other words, He is always extremely pleased with His devotees. As for the word maya, when used in reference to the dealings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees, this word means “affection.” The actions of the Lord to favor His devotees are not disqualifications but signs of His natural affection.

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.2.7-8 purport

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