
“The power of your mind” talk at Hotel El Panama

The highlight of my Panama visit was a program on Sunday, 16-10-16, at one of Panama’s biggest hotels, Hotel El Panama.

Nearly 300 people, most of them Panamanian, attended the talk on “The power of your mind” and asked many earnest questions. My host and trip coordinator, Shyamachandra P, the vice-president of ISKCON, Panama, did the sentence-by-sentence translation of my class into Spanish.
This was the biggest program of my trip to the West wherein I spoke directly to Western audiences – several temple Sunday feasts had bigger audiences, but those comprised mostly of Indians and mostly of devotees. The audience in Panama was ninety percent Panamanians and non-devotees.
Several in the audience like a point that I have been making repeatedly during this trip: “Anxiety is the interest we pay on loans we haven’t yet taken.” During the post-class QA, when a person asked what role acceptance plays in spirituality, I explained that bhakti-yoga helps us to accept the unchangeable as the will of God for our ultimate well-being and thereby focus our energy on the changeable – and when we do what we can, God helps us to do what we can’t.

The audio is available here: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/2016/10/tap-power-mind/

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