What is the basis of the whole process of Vedic civilization?

Through the disciplic succession the royal order was on the same platform as great saintly persons (raja-rsis). Formerly they could understand the philosophy of life and knew how to train the citizens to come to the same standard. In other words, they knew how to deliver the citizens from the entanglement of birth and death. When Maharaja Dasaratha ruled Ayodhya, the great sage Visvamitra once came to him to take away Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana to the forest to kill a demon. When the saintly person Visvamitra came to the court of Maharaja Dasaratha, the King, in order to receive the saintly person, asked him, aihistam yat tat punar janma jayaya. He asked the sage whether everything was going on well in his endeavor to conquer the repetition of birth and death. The whole process of Vedic civilization is based on this point. We must know how to conquer the repetition of birth and death.

Srimad Bhagavatam 5.10.15 purport


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