When spirituality becomes envious and atheistic…

In the Vedic system, prasada is distributed, as recommended here, without discrimination as to who may take the prasada. Regardless of whether one be a brahmana, sudra, vaisya, ksatriya, or even the lowest of men, a candala, he should be welcome to accept prasada. However, when the candalas, the lower class or poorer class, are taking prasada, this does not mean that they have become Narayana or Visnu. Narayana is situated in everyone’s heart, but this does not mean Narayana is a candala or poor man. The Mayavada philosophy of accepting a poor man as Narayana is the most envious and atheistic movement in Vedic culture. This mentality should be completely given up. Everyone should be given the opportunity to take prasada, but this does not mean that everyone has the right to become Narayana.

Srimad Bhagavatam 8.16.55 purport



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