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While glorifying Damodara why do we say Radha-Damodara and not Yashoda-Damodara?

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In the Bhavisya Purana, Uttara Khanda, it is said:

sanketavasare cyute pranayatah samsaj jaya radhaya
prarabhya bhrukuti hiranya rasana damna nibaddhodaram
kartikyam janani krtotsava vare prastavana purvakam
catani prathayantam atma pulakam dhyayema damodaram

“One day on the full moon night of Kartik, Krsna arrives too late at the place where He was supposed to met Radha. Angry Radha frowns Her eyebrows and binds Him with a girdle with golden ropes. Then Krsna cleverly tells Her that He was late because He attended His mother’s autumn festival. At this, Radha was pleased and unbound Him. Let us meditate on this ecstatically horripilating Damodara (He whose belly was bound by Radhika’s golden ropes).”

(This is the explanation of the name Damodara in Madhura rasa upasana).

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