Why are there differences among different religions?
Different countries haveΒ different water, air, mountains, forests, eatables and clothing. Because of this, the people of these places have naturally developed different physiques, complexions, customs, clothing and food. Similarly, the peoples’ mentality will differ. And thus various people’s ideas of God, though being basically similar, will differ in details. When men in various countries surpass the uncivilized stage and progress to the civilized stage, the scientific stage, the moral stage and the devotional stage, they will develop differences, in language, dress, food, and mentality. This gives rise to difference in the mode of worship of God. Considering the matter objectively, there is no harm in secondary differences. If there is agreement concerning the essential nature of God and His worship, there should be no obstacle in attaining the same result. Thus Mahaprabhu has instructed that we should instruct everyone to worship the pure form of the Lord, but at the same time we should not criticize others’ modes of worship.
Because of the above reasons, we see the following differences amongst the religions of different countries.
1. difference of teachers or prophets
2. difference in worshipper’s mentality and consequent expression of reverence. 3. difference in procedures of worship
4. difference in conceptions of God
5. difference in God’s name and statements due to difference in language
– Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura,