Why Caitanya Caritamrita is the authoritative source of Lord Chaitanya’s teachings

In  order   to  understand the  teachings of  Lord  Caitanya, we  must   refer  to  the  Sri Caitanya Caritamrta. Lord Caitanya himself  did   not leave any written works,  except the eight  verses  of the Siksastaka.  There  are few verses  attributed to him  in the Padyavali, but  from  those  verses  we cannot  take  any  systematic instructions.  There  is also  a few very  small  books  which   some  people claim  were  written by  Lord  Caitanya.   After examining everything, we must  conclude that  these  are all false claims.   From the many works   which   the  Goswamis  wrote   we  can  thoroughly understand  Lord   Caitanya’s teachings, but  they  do  no  mention any  works  written by  Lord  Caitanya Himself.  Sri Caitanya Caritamrta is the authoritative work.   From  this  work  we can understand the Lord’s  character and  teachings. These teachings are confirmed perfectly by the words of the  Goswamis.  For this  reason  Sri Caitanya Caritamrta is given  so much  respect.   Sri Krsna  Dasa  Kaviraja  appeared immediately after  Lord  Caitanya.   Mahaprabhu’s direct disciples, Raghunatha Goswami, Rupa  Goswami and  many  others   assisted Krsna  Dasa in writing his work.        Before him  Kavi Karnapura had  written Sri Caitanya Candrodayanataka and  Vrndavana das  Thakura had  written Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. These works  were  a great  help  to Krsna  Dasa Kaviraja.

Chaitanya Shikshamrita, Bhaktivinoda Thakura

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