Why Lord Chaitanya took initiation from the Madhva sampradaya

The special characteristic of Madhvacarya’s doctrine is that it very clearly defeats the faulty mistakes of the Advaita perspective. By maintaining this forceful position, the distress caused by impersonal philosophy falls to the wayside, allowing one to understand and appreciate the Lord’s personal form. Therefore, in order to bring about safe and sure benefit for the conditioned souls who are weakened from the onslaughts of Kali-yuga, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the doctrine of Sri Madhvacarya [by adhering to his lineage]. But by doing so He did not minimize the importance of the other three Vaishnava doctrines in any respect. All forms of savisesa-vada (philosophy of eternal distinction) are relishable, for it will certainly bring eternal auspiciousness.

Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Vaishnava Siddhanta Mala, Chp 5

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